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Innal Djava

Professional Refinery Workers

Worked at a power plant for a well-known oil and gas company in Indonesia. Front liners that work directly with equipment such as pumps, turbines, power generators, compressors, heat exchangers and several other refinery equipment. .


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Rindu ...oh Rindu....

Kalbu ini merindu....
Keheningan membawanya melayang....
Dimensi dan ruang mengimaji...
Hanya sekedar tuk menyelami...

Lautan  terbentang luas...
Hiru biru mewarna....
Ombak menerjang mengoyak jiwa....
Desir angin menghempas raga...
Awan putih melambai lambai...

Oh tuhan...
Inikah rindu itu...
Ingin kubalut dengan pertemuan...
Dan kusembuhkan dengan kasih sayang...
 I Miss U...


Ketika banyak media yang memberitakan bahwa kasus pungli lagi giat-giatnya diberantas oleh pemerintah, baik itu provinsi , kabupaten, kodya, kecamatan maupun sampai dengan kelurahan, saya jadi teringat sebuah kisah tentang kita beberapa belasan tahun silam...eitss salah, maksudnya 'sebuah kisah tentang sang pungli'. hehe

Ada salah seorang anak muda yang lagi sibuk melamar pekerjaan demi masa depannya. Untuk melamar dia butuh beberapa administrasi dan syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi. Baik itu surat lamaran, ijasah, curiculum vitae dan beberapa dokumen dokumen lainya. Suatu ketika dia harus mengurus suatu dokumen ke instasi tertentu. Datang dari rumah pagi hari, karena takut antri dan jarak yang lumayan jauh pula. Bermodalkan bis angkutan antar kota dalam propinsi, dia pergi menuju TKP. Sesampainya di lokasi diapun langsung menuju ketempat pengurusan surat tersebut. Sebenarnya sih sudah sering ketempat ini, jadi gak terlalu awam untuk ruangan yang harus di datanginya untuk mendapatkan surat tersebut. Tibalah gilirannya untuk melakukan proses pengurusan. Menunggu beberapa saat untuk mengambil surat yang telah di TTD atasan instansi tersebut. Setelah selesai proses TTD tibalah saatnya kita mengambil dan terjadilah sebuah perbincangan. "Disini administrasinya seikhlasnya", kata sang petugas. Sang pemuda pun melihat isi dompetnya. Lipatan demi lipatan dompet dia periksa. Tak berubah juga isinya. Dia pun bertanya pada dirinya sendiri, " Kalo aku kasih yang ini apa entar pak petugas ngasih kembalian?, terus ntar aku pulang pake apa kalo ini ga ada kembaliannya." Akhirnya sang pemuda ga jadi ngasih uang yang ini tapi ngasih uang yang itu, hehe.. yang agak kecilan maksudnya. Sontak do'i pun kaget mendengar ucapan dari sang petugas yang berkata, " Udah... ga usah bawa saja !!!" . Sang pemuda akhirnya keluar dari ruangan sambil merasa aneh. Ini orang minta seikhlasnya, giliran di kasih  bilang ga usah. Mungkin sang petugas merasa terhina atau apalah. Padahal bukan maksudnya menghina. Tetapi memang hanya itu yang sanggup ia berikan.

Sebuah pelajaran yang dapat kita petik, bahwa sang PUNGLIPUN ternyata punya target. Mungkin target beli mobil , target beli rumah dan lain - lain dll dll dll.
Mereka sudah di bayar dengan uang rakyat , kok masih juga minta-minta kepada rakyat. Masih banyak saudara-saudara kita yang sebenarnya lebih membutuhkan ulur tangan kita. Tetapi mereka tidak mau untuk meminta minta. Bukan karna mereka gengsi atau mereka sok mampu, tapi karna mereka malu. Bersyukur dengan apa yang ia terima dan mampu untuk dikerjakan, sehingga hasil yang didapatkan merupakan standart halal.
Dapat dikatakan bahwa pungli adalah kejahatan. walaupun toh tidak memaksa sifatnya, namun ini adalah sebuah penyakit yang bisa menular dan turun temurun. Maka saya setuju dengan tindakan yang dilakukan pemerintah saat ini, yaitu memberantas pungli sampai ke akar-akarnya.

Jika kita menengok jauh ke belakang, dijaman kerajaan  dahulu ada yang namanya upeti. Upeti adalah sebuah pemberian dari rakyat kepada pemimpinnya yang wajib diserahkan baik berupa barang maupun uang dikala itu. Upeti juga bisa diberikan dari bawahan kepada sang penguasa sebagai jaminan keamanan bagi dirinya, agar terhindar dari siksa maupun intervensi-intervensi lain di kala itu. Mungkin inilah akar dari pungli, yang ternyata sudah mendarah daging sejak dahulu kala.

Semoga dengan niat dan keinginan yang baik dari pemerintah, permasalahan ini bisa diselesaikan dengan bijak dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kepada Tuhan YME.

Sea Water Thermal Desalination

Sea Water Desalination is an equipment used to convert sea water into fresh water (process water) by evaporation. At the power plant is used as process water to be used in the generation process to produce electricity. Water desalination results that standard specifications as boiler feed water. Boiler is a device used to convert water into steam fresh. Steam is used to rotate the turbine generator that will produce electricity.
Sea Water Thermal Desalination grouped into two MSF (Multi Stage Flash) and MED (Multi Effect Distillation). At the power plant that is often used is a type of MSF.
The MSF type desalination package has 2 type is once-through and recirculation. The once-through, water from the desalination of sea will be processed and then immediately returned to the sea. While in recirculation type, sea water desalination will be processed at some later thrown into the sea and partly restored in the desalination process. In the recirculation type desalination, water is used as feed water is and TSS lower. Earlier in the treatment of water to get the TSS low to maintain a stable process in Sea Water Desalination Recirculation type.

Figure 1. MSF with Once-Through

MSF type desalination package uses this principle to convert sea water into the distillate. In MSF with recirculation process, the evaporator is divided into two parts, one called the heat Recovery and the other part is the heat reject section, which has some number of stages. Each stage consists of a flash chamber and condenser. The number of stages is chosen depending on the capacity and thermal efficiency. The typical MSF with recirculation process is illustrated in FIG. 2.

Figure 2. MSF with Recirculation

In this system, the heat input to the process is through the existing steam on the tube in the brine heater and transferred to sea water flowing in the tube. Most of the heat input to the heat rejected refused passage through sea water cooling, which are returned to the sea. Steam produced at the final stage flows into the condenser and condensed on the outer surface of the tube, handed latent heat with sea water flowing in the tube.

MSF (Multi-Level Flash) type Desalination Package, which is listed as a thermal desalination process, consists of a flash evaporator, the brine heater, vacuum system by means of steam jet ejector vents, brine blowdown pump, pump distillate, brine recycle pumps, condensate pumps and chemical dosing systems anti-scale / anti-chemical foam as basic equipment.
An evaporation of the liquid when heated to the boiling point, 100 deg.C under atmospheric pressure. It evaporation of the liquid occurs also under higher pressure than the atmosphere, or under vacuum when corresponding temperature liquid. When the liquid flows into the space where the pressure is maintained below the corresponding saturation temperature of the liquid, it immediately begins to evaporate. Instant evaporation is known as' Flash evaporation '. And if the room is connected to another level, where the pressure is kept lower, with suitable sealing device through which the liquid flows, liquid flash evaporates in successfully space. 
Vapors from the liquid that is produced by the evaporation of theoretically pure substance involves no may exist or be dissolved in the liquid, so that it becomes pure water when condensed. In the multi-stage evaporator, creatures heated to evaporate sea water as it flows into the first stage space. Flashing to the appropriate temperature and pressure maintained in first floor. Steam generated in each flash chamber flows upward to the condenser through the mist separator and down as a thin film on the outside of the heat exchanger tubes arranged horizontally, where it condenses to form a distillate. As the steam condenses on the outside of the tube, it heats the water in the sea tube, which flows to a higher temperature level. The distillate is collected in the distillate balances and flows naturally from stage to stage through connecting the distillate trough levels without pumping and sensible heat is returned to the process by re-flashing of the hot liquid as they enter each next level becomes low pressure. Finally, the distillate is drawn by the distillate pump. Flash evaporation occurs at every level of the evaporator water temperatures decrease. It flashing sea water (salt water) to flow naturally through the sealing between the level and repeat the Flash evaporation in each level where the pressure is maintained relatively low levels. In the last room of flash rate, part of the salt water is concentrated by removing the vapor removed as drained by pumping brine blowdown. The balance of salt water mixed with treated makeup sea ​​water to reduce the concentration of the salt is extracted with water pumps and circulating loop as salt water recirculation system. Brine recirculation incorporated into the heat recovery condenser to condense the steam produced at this level, when being heated by the latent heat released from steam. Recirculation further heated salt water in salt water heated to a terminal / temperature (top brine temperature) by LP steam is supplied from the outside before entering the first stage of the evaporator. All the LP steam is used to turn the heat to heat the brine recirculation and transfer latent heat. Publication LP steam is extracted by the condensate pump and then cooled by conditioning condensate. 
Sea water supplied was first introduced into the hot condenser rejected as a cooling medium to condense the steam produced at the rate of heat dissipation. After passing through the heat rejected section, part of the sea water cooling is used to make-up and put in the last stage of the evaporator with internal spray header deaeration and the rest thrown into the sea rejects water system. Vacuum in the unit was originally created by the ejector monopoly. Then two floors, steam jet hole Ejector maintain vacuum by removing air leaks in the gas condenses more continued acquitted of make-up water and brine. 2 ventilation vents of the ejector discharge to atmosphere through the condenser ejector. To minimize the possibility of a decrease in the efficiency of the unit due to the formation of scale on the condenser tubes, feed water treatment by the anti-scale chemical dosing systems have been. Sodium bi-sulfite is also injected into the water make-up for de-chlorination. When highly chlorinated seawater is fed to the evaporator, the bromine gas is released from the make-up water / recycle brine and causes following problems. One is corrosion problem on copper alloy tubes and stainless steel. Another is
degradation of distillate quality of conductivity and lower pH.


This DC Power system is designed to supply DC electric power that is protected from abnormal occurrencess on the public electricity supply. A voltage dropper is a controlled voltage stabilizing device. It is used for maintaining the voltage at the load within a given range of typical +/- 10% of the nominal voltage, if the voltage range of the connected battery is larger than the voltage range of the connected load.

Figure 1. Block Diagram DC UPS

The equipment always consist of two independent systems with a common distribution board. Each half system consist of two major part.

Figure 2. Block Diagram Rectifier /chargers and the Batteries.

In order to observe the given output voltage range, the diodes are activated in flow direction, if the battery charge voltage is too high; or deactivated, if the battery discharge voltage is too low. This is controlled by means of maximally 4 diode stages.

Rectifier Charger

Converts the Primary AC supply to regulated DC voltage which charges the battery, powers the inverter and therefore the load. It operates in four  possible modes, float mode, AC supply fail mode, Charge mode, Boost mode.


This storage energy from the charger to be used during a power cut when it will discharge to power the load. The autonomy of the system during a mains fail depends on the amp-hour capacity of the installed battery. Since the 2 chargers/batteries are independent of each other, the mode of one is linked ia the distibution board to the other.

Figure 3. Normal Mode

If only one charger supply fails, the other charger will continue to feed the load. If both charger supplies fail, both charger are stopped and the batteries feed the load

Figure 4. Primary AC Supply Fail Mode

The charger stops and the battery powers the load. The DC voltage falls and the following alarms. When the primary AC suply returns the charger will start in float mode after a short AC supply failure or charge mode after a long AC supply failure.


Type of steam turbine based on the direction of flow:

  • Axial Turbine → upright shaft
  • Radial Turbines → parallel to the axis

Basic Principles:
  • Changing steam heat energy into velocity energy by passing steam into the Guide apparat where the potential energy of the steam velocity decreases but the energy increases.
  • Changing energy into mechanical energy turbine speed.


  • According Vapor Pressure:

1. Low pressure from 1.2 to 2 atmAbs
2. Pressure Medium <4 atmAbs
3. High Pressure> 40 atmAbs
4. Pressure Very High 170 atmAbs T 550º C
5. Critical Pressure 225 atmAbs

  • According to Number of Cylinders:

1. Turbine Single Cylinder
2. Turbine Many Cylinder
3. Multi Axial Turbine

  • According to the Steam Flow Direction:

1. Axial Turbine
2. Radial Turbines

  • According to Action Movement Against Vapor Blade:

1. Impulse Turbine
2. Reaction Turbine
3. Combination Turbines (Impulse and Reaction)

  • According to Heat Absorption Process:

1. Condensing Steam Turbine
2. Without Condensing Steam Turbine
3. Turbine With Re-Heating
4. Turbine With Extraction
5. Pressure Turbine With Mixed

  • Turbine Main Section:

1. The rotor (the moving part)
2. Turbine Blade
3. The Home Turbine
4. The stator (part Silence)

  • Lubrication way:

1. Batch
2. Splash / Sparks
3. Intermittent / Intermittent alternating
4. Lubrication Press


Boiler is a closed vessel in which water pressure and is converted into steam by heating continuously. Boilers produce steam according to requirement (Temperature, Pressure, Quality).
Heat transfer in the boiler:
  • Radiation → Flow radiant heat from hot objects to cold objects.
  • Heat Conduction → direct contact between two objects.
  • Convection Flow → emission from a hot object to a cold object to the hot object movement
The working principle of boilers in general:

Classification According to Heat Source:
1. Based on the result of fuel combustion
2. Utilizing the exhaust gas (Flue Gas) → WHB
3. elektrical boiler
4. Nuclear boiler

Classification by type of tube:
1. Fire tube boiler
2. Water tube boiler

Classification based on pressure:
1. 8.3 kg / cm² - 16.5 kg / cm² → Low
2. 16.6 kg / cm² - 51.5 kg / cm² → Medium
3. 51.6 kg / cm² - 144.5 kg / cm² → High
4. 144.6 kg / cm² - 227.5 kg / cm² → Very High

Boiler safety:
1. Safety Valve (PSV).
2. Estimates of Glass (Glass Level)
3. Nanometer (Gauge pressure)
4. Steam Valve stem cover (NRV)
5. Valve Wasters (Valve for blowdown)
6. Whistle danger (alarm)

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